Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Have you ever met someone who you instantly knew would be your best friend? From the start it felt like you'd know eachother for so long? Well, I have been fortunate enough to have made that kind of connection with a great new friend. We have so much in common, we are both striving to be better daughters of Christ, wives, mothers and friends to others. She is just so crazy sometimes that I kind of want to shake her! Ya know? One of the things I most admire about her is she is PASSIONATE...and the main focus of her passion lately is universal healthcare. It has brought up many strong feeling, on both sides of this issue, within our group of friends. This woman is well educated and has done her research so that she can discuss intelligently this current topic...but all the "discussions" still sound like close-eared arguments to me. I have managed to stay out of it with her, mainly because I value our friendship too much to have it damaged by this. I fully support her right to free speech, her right to her opinion, and her right to use any forum to reflect those. Having said that, just cause you say "No offense" doesn't mean it isn't offensive to someone! Love you sister!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mornings around here


We were on our spring holiday last week in Hilton Head, SC, and halfway through the week I hurt my shoulder. I'd love to say that I did it playing tennis or golfing, maybe riding my bike and doing a gnarly flip over the handlebars....no. I think I slept on it wrong...sounds like me, right? Well, now a week later it hurts even worse and I'm pretty sure I've got a pinched nerve. Not exactly the best thing for a mom-yoga teacher-grocery bag hauler-something as simple as opening a door-kind of person. Garrick heated up the beanie pillow for me and reminded me to take some Ibuprofen, he's so sweet! He's working the midnight shift for the next couple of weeks...so the evenings are very quiet around here. So, after following the above treatments and saying goodbye/goodnight to Garrick....I made a strong mango daiquiri. Then another.

Fast forward to 6:25 a.m. the next morning....Jack and June on either side of me in bed
Help coordinate clothes for Jack (mental note that he needs new shorts)
Drag self downstairs to make coffee (not at all hungover, just regular tired)
Apply liberal amounts of various cereals to above mentioned children
Clip some coupons for a trip to Target today
Sit outside with Jack to wait for school friend to come out and catch bus..kiss goodbye
Bring more cereal (dry) to June who is vegging on the couch watching Handy Manny before school
Sit with her because I really like Handy Manny too

Soo....how was the first hour of your day?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy New Year...yeah I know it's April.

Okay, so it is no great news that I have been really bad about keeping up this blog. I have all the great intentions and then..blah! I promise not to blame my husband, three kids, pets, four hour a week job, couponing, facebooking, craft projects, or anything else as an excuse.
However!!!...I feel a stirring to document my life (and the lives of those in my charge) so that I can look back upon it someday and marvel at what we managed to do with what God has given to us. So, it may not happen every single day...the level of interesting things around here doesn't follow a particular calendar. There will be something though..and that will be enough.
Love, me

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Graduate!

Jack graduated from preschool at the end of May. It was quite the event, there were bouncy houses and food and proud, proud parents.


Leaps & Bounds

Jonah is growing up too fast. It seems like yesterday that I had to bathe him with a washcloth while he laid on my bed...now his is sitting up in his bathtub. He is cruising along and gets where he wants to be really fast. Of course, then there's the crash....it's tough being a big boy. He likes to play with the big kids toys (Jack's gears are a favorite). Of course, not to be outdone...June likes to play with baby toys.


Loves to wrestle and eat! What else is there in life?